Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Days 1 & 2

First of all...I am not taking pics of where I work at target field until a month or so. I am not a tourist!!! lol. Its a business. But here's a pic a fan took on opening day...get a feel of my work atmosphere.

So first day of work was a day of meeting a ton of people who make the twins organization operate as well as a tour of the brand new humongous Target Field (seats 40,000). I learned quickly that there's just way too many things that go on behind the scenes that fans have no idea about. I got to visit all the departments and go through the tunnels that nobody but twins personnel get to roam. Everywhere but the clubhouse...and they quickly counseled me to stay away from twins players unless I have a specific task to be around them. Hm...being IT I will probably be around them sooner or later. Fix Mauer's Ipod...Well day 1 I got my paperwork and parking all figured out. That probably was the main thing I did. I get free parking downtown which is a sweet grab because most businesses around target field make their employees pay to park. Day 1 got me introduced to the Purchasing department who I will work closely with. My boss pretty much told me that hes pimpin my resume with this position and I responded with absolutely in my mind. I also ate lunch in the "Twins Room" which is basicly 6.75 out of the paycheck and you get an unlimited buffet that is made by our own personel chefs. Basicly the food ballplayers or elite fan goers would receive with their 100 dollar tickets. Legit 1st class lunch. I tell ya...high life. 1st day I also picked up my kicks I had reserved for a month now which are free reebok twins skater looking shoes. so sweet! Also got a twins hankie which is huge for a twins fan. Back when they played at the metrodome they used the white hankies to make the baseballs blend in with the white dome ceiling along with the hankies in the crowd. Make it hard on opposing outfielders to find flyballs.

Day 2. To starts things out I found out from HR that I beat out 1200 applications to get this position as an intern. I am way too lucky. The main accomplishments with day two would be figuring out my job for my 6 month stay, getting my cube, and starting on my first project with IT. So to clear things up with my job description, I am the Purchasing Intern that does IT work for the Purchasing department but also helps out with other IT duties across the ballpark. What I found out was a big reason why they took me in is there are a ton of projects IT needs to do for purchasing but they have no time to do them. So thats where I come in!!! My first project is to manipulate data from Quest phone service and Twin's records so the purchasing department can track how much money is spent on long distance calls for each department. Doing it in excel with a little VBA. nuts. Thank you Bro. Clarke's class at BYUI. Benefits of IT...I get admin passwords for computer access areas as well as access to lots of private information in databases. They probably hired a mormon cause they know they can trust me. Day 2 also was me getting my own personal cubical with a computer, phone, desk, and chair. After I was setup with that I was off to work!!! The first thing I did after settling in was punching holes in a 300 page resource manual to put in a binder. Manual is for cisco systems to learn about their reporting system with the phones. jeez tonz of reading. Something else I learned was I can pretty much attend whatever game I want. All I have to do is stay in the park after work and I'm already passed all security. Just find a seat and enjoy the game :). Sometimes there will even be games going on while Im working. Today the Twins and visiting Indians were taking BP while i was wrappin up the day. Enjoyed some of it through the glass before I took off for institute. well thats it. Everything is way Ok here. Pics will come eventually.

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